The Parisian Raving: Diving into the heart of A La Carte Soufflé Grand Marnier Recipe

The Parisian Raving: Diving into the heart of A La Carte Soufflé Grand Marnier Recipe

Source: Google

Succumbing into the embrace of homemade comfort foods, I felt myself whirring away into the culinary fantasy extravaganza, Julie and Julia, as I instantaneously fell in love with the perfect idea of mastering the haute French cuisine during the frosty wintertime.  Ensconced on the flowery vintage couch, I laid tucked in a hand-knitted blanket of Italian wool, that belonged to Gran, I would watch the enigmatic scenes of Julie and Julia melt unfathomably into each other, like the pristine petals of divine cottage cheese, sprinkled with a dollop of a little food fantasy!  I soon decided to pretend playing the marvelous Julia Childs, dressed in my awesome French Connection glad rags and coats, till the icy wintry spell persisted. While the unabashed gust of winds blew terrifically, raging and puffing, blustering the very soul of my centuries’ old dilapidated farmhouse, I enjoyed myself to bits, reading the ubiquitous gourmet memoirs of the great American chef, Julia Carolyn Childs!

Courtesy: Pinterest


As I read about the soufflé Grand Marnier, I realized it is one of the French dessert recipes that hails back to the Victorian epoch, being the brainchild of the fabulous chef Marie-Antoine Carême.

Let’s read how to cook this awesome recipe and drench our kitchen with a hint of the quixotic shades of the old-world antiquity of that golden era.


The List of the Ingredients:


Soufflés are typically prepared from the following list of ingredients:

  • A flavored crème patisserie,
  • Creamy sauce or béchamel,
  • A thick paste,
  • The actual food base,
  • Beaten egg whites that are softened frothy peaks are formed,
  • One tablespoon of softened butter,
  • One tablespoon of granulated white sugar,
  • Five teaspoons of Kisan oil or butter,
  • ¼ cup of cold milk,
  • Two egg whites,
  • Five teaspoons of multipurpose flour,
  • 1/8 teaspoon of vanilla essence,
  • As an option, you may sprinkle a few drops of orange brandy, Grand Marnier ( it works like a charm)

The French Method:



  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit which is almost 200 Centigrade.
  • Brush the insides of a simple baking bowls with just one tablespoon of liquefied butter and sprinkle them with one tablespoon of granulated white sugar.
  • Now, put on a baking sheet lined with a crispy sheet of aluminum foil.
  • Melt one tablespoon butter and 2 teaspoons butter in a saucepan over the medium-low heat; cook and stir flour in the melted butter until it is golden brown and aromatic, for about two minutes.
  • Add some cold milk and cook, stirring without a break, until it appears bright and smooth textured, after almost four minutes.
  • Now, remove from the heat and transfer to a large baking bowl for mixing.
  • Stir a zest of auburn colored brandy, let’s say almost one tablespoon, and add the liqueur into butter mixture until it is well-combined.
  • Crack the eggs and add the egg yolks and 1/8 teaspoon of vanilla essence mixture, until they are smooth.
  • Whisk egg whites in a large bowl until a lot of froth forms and now, gradually add half of the 1/4 cup sugar and whisk until they blend well,
  • Now add the remaining sugar and keep whisking until meringue is thick and syrupy enough and conforms its shape well.
  • Just fold half of the meringue into the thick mixture of egg yolks until all of it looked like it is glued.
  • Lightly fold in second half until it is well combined.
  • Transfer to the pre-arranged containers, allowing 1/4-inch of space at the topmost point.
  • Bake in the preheated oven until the mixture has properly risen and browned for almost sixteen minutes.


The base provides the aromaticity or the exotic flavor whilst the egg whites provide the "lift", or puffiness to the actual dessert. The Foods commonly used to flavor the base include a fusion of the herbs, cheese and vegetables, for the piquant soufflés and for the sweet-toothed masses, we use jam, fruits & exotic berries such as blueberries, raspberries or passion fruit, chocolate, and banana and lemon are used for the dessert course soufflés.


Some soufflé preparations also include adding a sugary coating mixed with a blend of bread crumbs, or a grated hard cheese such as parmesan inside the dishes. In addition to the melted butter, or Kisan oil, as many great cooks believe this allows the soufflé to rise quite evenly.

After being cooked, a soufflé becomes all fluffy and puffy, and naturally, after a lapse of 5-10 minutes, it eventually falls!  It may be well served with handsome dollops of lip-smacking sauce spread generously over the soufflé, such as a sweet dessert sauce, or to add a touch of innovation, it is strewn with a sorbet or an ice-cream of any preferred flavor on its edges! When served, the top of a soufflé may be punctured with serving utensils to separate it into individual portions. This can also enable a sauce to incorporate deeply into the heart of the dish.

There are a number of both savory and sweet soufflé flavor in a huge assortment of flavors, according to the wishes conjured by your taste buds! Tangy soufflés often include plain cottage cheese, and tasty vegetables such as spinach, carrot and herbs, and may sometimes incorporate poultry, bacon, ham, or seafood for a more ample dish. Sweet soufflés may be based on a chocolate or fruit sauce (lemon or raspberry, for example), and are often served with a light dusting of powdery sugar gently. Many parsimonious recipes thinkers often emphasize upon the possibilities for making soufflés from chunks of party leftovers foods!


A soufflé may be served alone or with ice cream fruit, or a thick chocolate sauce and voila! It’s all ready to be served to your family! It is an awesome choice of a French food recipe and it can be quite a nutritious recipe, and if you are looking for great tea idea recipe or the resplendent Christmas dessert recipe, this might be simply the most epic one in years!

Merry Christmas and have a great year waiting ahead, full of the best things that you might have ever wish for!


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