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Aliz Mustard Oil 250 ml
Aliz Mustard Oil offers a bold and authentic flavor, perfect for traditional and modern cooking. Extracted from the finest mustard seeds, it enhances your curries, pickles, and marinades with a rich aroma and taste.
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, Aliz Mustard Oil is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, supporting heart health and overall wellness. Its robust profile makes it an excellent choice for frying or finishing your favorite dishes.
Mustard Oil Benefits:
- Promotes heart health
- Contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Boosts immunity
- Enhances digestion
- Perfect for curries, pickles, and marinades
- 100% pure mustard oil
- Cold-pressed for natural goodness
- Convenient screw-on cap