Run to the kitchen and grab the bottle of Olive oil and give a proper massage to your hair. I am pity much excited to share that olive oil is the best option to make hair healthy. What makes me surprise is that it is true or not. All the secrete to soft, healthy hair is hiding in my salad dressing.
I am a user who prefers to use a hair mask, but it is quite expensive, and I am happier to use the DIY mask for my hair. If you google that either olive oil helps increase olive oil growth, you will find countless benefits for hair growth. But it is also the fact that you must consult a dermatologist to find out actually about the benefits of olive oil.
My target is to show you what the experts have to say about the benefits and essentiality of olive oil use on your head.
The first question that stays in my mind is.
It is good to put olive oil in your hair. If yes, then what are the benefits?
Your hair must lock the moisture and nutrients, and those depleted with hot tools, chemical processing, surfactant in shampoos, and daily wear and tear to hair healthy and promising. It also needs protection from an environmental stressor, which is the main cause of hair demerged.

There is some truth to all those rumors that olive oil can make hair frizz-free and reduce breakage. According to a trichology's and colorist Bridgett Hill and Labrecque Salon and skincare spa, olive oil improves the regimen that can seal moisture into the hair fiber, increasing the elasticity of hair and diminishes the causes of hair breakage. It hydrates the hair but bit in the way as you expect. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats. According to different research and studies, hair actually can absorb certain oils. When olive oil absorbs in hair, it can retain hydration.
Can olive oil is the best option to make your hair grow faster:
This is one of the important questions Hill and Williams are both focused on choosing olive oil. According to the hill, Olive oil is an excellent carrier oil, and it can easily blend with other oils which matter to DIY your hair.
He suggests that Williams recommends using hot olive oil in the scalp to nourish or protect the DIY of your hair. Just warm the little oil bit, do the proper massage of your hair to the hair's tip, cover them with a plastic cap for an hour, and wash your hair properly.
Olive oil contains Vitamin E and k. Free radical damage not only happens to the skin but hair as well. The oxidative stress can cause hair to age dater.
What types of olive oil is best for the growth of hair?
If you are concerned about scalp health, then Dr Obayan says that focus on that product specifically designed to produce hair. Dr Obayan also recommends using a product that combines humectants and moisturizers with oils.

Can olive oil protect from hair loss?
We know that olive oil has the properties of anti-inflammation. It can reduce and calm down the inflammation from the scalp. Dr Obayan explains that if your hairs are lost because of inflammation, then olive oil theoretically reduces hair loss. If you are dealing with a bigger underlying issue. That is why visit the profession first before you must start self-treating with oil.
Research suggests that olive oil can also act as a lubricant for strands to reduce breakage. Shockingly, a significant amount of hair damage can happen. During the shower, Hair is weakest when you add in surfactants from shopping and the scrubbing motion, you will feel the friction between strands.
Disadvantages of olive oil:
When it comes to the downside or disadvantages of Olive oil for hair, some claims show that olive oil is helpful for Dandruff, which causes flaky and scaly patches. However, most dermatologists refute this concept. According to Whitney Bowe M.D "One of the causes of Dandruff is yeast, and if we use olive oil on the scalp it will feed that yeast but sometimes, it can help in the hydrating scalp.
Another side effect is that never use olive oil before using any hot tools or blow dryer. It has a high temperature which is 3200F. So it will damage your hair badly.
What kind of hair is suitable for hair?
There is some oil that is suitable for a different type of oil. If we specifically marked olive oil. So, this oil is specifically useful for dry hair. Olive oil turns natural texture into natural porous and therefore loses moisture faster. The use of olive oil also protects hair from damage and breakage. It needs more lubricating, especially during the detangling or washing process.
However, it is too heavy for those who have fine or straight hair. It appears greasier in the hair. This type of hair gets more benefits from toils such as jojoba and argan oil.
How to apply olive oil in your hair:
Using olive oil is not just simply take a bottle and put it in your head. There are a few effective ways to use it, depending on your needs.
Pre shampoo treatment:
As noted above, washing your hair can cause damage in your hair. It takes slowly damages strands of your hair and makes our hair dry. We recommend coating the whole strand. Suppose you are suffering from oily prone scalps. You focus on the mid-shaft to the ends.
Tending ends:
Nothing can fix dry and split ends besides a trim; you can temporality improve the look of them. It is as easy as applying a tiny bit to the bottom of the hair. The oil adds shine to hair and reduces dullness of hair. It also prevents the breakage of hair and removes the future split ends by protecting it from physical damage.
Smoothing back frizz of hair:
It will automatically reduce the appearance of frizz hair reductions, but you must use it as your hair type. Whenever you use hair, comb hair properly and give a proper massage to hair.