Aliz Corn Oil 250 ml
Aliz Corn Oil is a versatile cooking oil that brings lightness and balance to your meals. Extracted from premium-quality corn, it delivers a mild flavor, making it perfect for frying, baking, and roasting.
Rich in vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, this oil supports heart health and helps maintain a balanced diet. Its high smoke point ensures excellent performance for all your cooking needs.
The screw-on cap keeps the oil fresh for longer, ensuring convenience and reliability. Make Aliz Corn Oil your daily companion in the kitchen.
Corn Oil Benefits:
- Rich in vitamin E
- Supports heart health
- High smoke point for versatile cooking
- Light flavor for all dishes
- Contains omega-6 fatty acids
- Ideal for frying, baking, and roasting
- 100% pure corn oil
- Secure screw-on cap
- Durable, shelf-stable packaging
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