Tasty Parsley Fish Recipe by Aliz Foods

Tasty Parsley Fish Recipe by Aliz Foods

Why People Love Parsley Fish Recipe

Green herbs and vegetables are rich in iron and minerals that are great for health. So people who are concerned about their well-being love to make Parsley Fish Recipe with aliz olive oil because of its natural features.

You need parsley to marinate the fish by adding more spices, like chilies, garlic, salt, and soya sauce, etc. if you want it traditional, you can avoid soya sauce and can replace it with yogurt.

Don’t leave fish for long after marinating because it will become too tender. You can roast it, grill it, or can steam it as well. It is easily available in restaurants and you can order it from anywhere.

There are several websites that has parsley fish recipe to copy so anyone can make it. But, remember to be generous and always buy good quality fish free from ribs even if you have to pay more money.

It is flexible because you can eat it with a dip, or with rice and pasta. You can also cook fish kabab with parsley for making burgers. No matter how you cook, buy only Good Quality Oil like aliz olive oil that is purely made of fresh olives.

Fresh and Sizzling Parsley Fish Recipe

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

4 servings

What You Need

  • Fish fillet: 4
  • Garlic: 3 to 4 cloves
  • Chopped parsley: 1/4cup
  • Aliz olive oil, extra virgin: 2tbsp.
  • Lemon zest: 1 tsp.
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preparing Parsley Fish Recipe

  1. Preheat your oven by setting it at 450°F or 230°C for 10 minutes.
  2. Take a large bowl and put oil, parsley, lemon zest and juice, hot pepper, salt, and garlic. Add dry fish to this mixture and coat it well with all ingredients by tossing up well.

Take the baking sheet, grease it with oil, and then place fish over it, and roast for a few minutes at 450°F or 230°C. Remove it when the fish becomes flaky.

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