The Best Homemade Biscuit Recipes

The Best Homemade Biscuit Recipes

Are you a biscuit addict and can’t imagine having a snack without wonderfully tasting biscuits? Well, if you ask me, I’m quite fanatical about biscuits, especially homemade biscuits. I love to prepare homemade food and whenever I’m on a long holiday, I make it a special point to bake huge batches and batches of deliciously baked biscuits and store them for weeks and months! I never go for complicated recipes and simply follow the recipes based on what’s in my pantry. I usually browse the famous food websites and sometimes, I act as a contributor on food blogs and publish my favorite kitchen recipes. I recently launched my website and during the website launch, I tried to add recipes and recipes about the easiest tips and tricks to bake homemade biscuits and cakes.


So, here are my famous biscuit recipes that I have tried the most and most of the time, they were quite fantastic to follow; all you need is a bit of extra attention and voila! The biscuits are made in no time!

1) The Buttermilk Biscuits’ Recipe:

Have you ever tried buttermilk biscuits? Well, if you didn’t, it’s high time that you should try this recipe. Buttermilk biscuits are quite delicious and fluffy, and they work wonders if they are taken with eggs, gravy, sausages and a dash of honeyed butter! To reduce the preparation time, I always use Kisan canola oil instead of shortening and that saves me from the hassle of spending too much time in the kitchen. Once baked, they are extremely delicious, light and tender to taste!


  • 2 cups of all-purpose four
  • 4 tsp. of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. of baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. of salt.
  • 1 cup of buttermilk
  • 1/3 cup of Kisan canola oil


  • Mix all the dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
  • Use a separate bowl and mix together the buttermilk and the Kisan canola oil. To moisten all the ingredients, add the buttermilk and canola oil to the dry mixture well.
  • Make a floured surface and knead slowly on it, by folding in half and pressing down on it with some pressure.
  • Depending upon the required thickness, pat on the biscuits. I usually like fluffy and thick biscuits and that’s why I make sure never to pat too thin. Be careful to not over knead the dough, as the more you work on it, the less tender is the final result of the overworked dough.
  • Take a sharp biscuit cutter and cut the cookies, according to your desired shape and size. I usually cut the biscuits using different cutters, to create quite a variety. Once cut, put the biscuits on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
  • Brush a handful of butter on the surface of each biscuit.
  • Bake the buttermilk biscuits at 450 for almost nine minutes. Watch the biscuits bake well and do not overbake them!
  • Once they are golden on the top and brown on the surrounding sides, take them out of the oven and serve them whilst they are fresh and piping hot!  
  • Plop them with a dollop of butter, honey and some delicious fruit jam of your choice and enjoy!



The good, old Bourbon biscuits are some of the most scrumptious biscuits and mostly, everyone loves to eat them as a casual snack option due to the optimistic balance of sugariness and saltiness and the delectable crunchy taste, isn’t it?





  • 110g of light soft brown sugar
  • 110g of salted butter
  • A few drops of Kisan cooking oil for greasing
  • 75g of plain flour
  • 35g whole meal flour
  • 25g of good cocoa powder
  • 20g of raw cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. of bicarbonate of soda
  • A generous pinch of salt
  • 40g of golden syrup


For the buttercream filling,

  • 200g of frosting sugar
  • 100g of salted butter
  • 15gof cocoa powder
  • 10g of raw cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp. of strong espresso coffee
  • 1 tsp. of vanilla extract

As the flour is mixed, it gives a rich texture and classiness to each bite of the biscuits and the special hint of cocoa powder imparts the deeper touch of the chocolate witchcraft in the entire recipe. Once the golden syrup is added, the bourbon biscuits are charmed with the pristine texture and inexplicable note of sweetness.

Sometimes, to make the biscuits taste better, you can always add some strongly brewed coffee to the buttercream mixture to enhance the flavor tremendously, especially if you love coffee and chocolates!




  • Make a creamy mixture of the butter and sugar together till a light and fluffy mixture is obtained and then sprinkle the golden syrup! Mix till they blend.
  • Strain all the dry ingredients together and add to the blend of cream, sugar and butter until a fine dough is formed.
  • Weigh your dough ball and divide it into four parts. Make each piece in the shape of a sausage and make it almost 4mm thick by rolling it out on sheets of cling film.
  • Put all of the four rectangular parts between cling film into the refrigerator so they can cool and harden well. The better they solidify, the easier it is to cut them.
  • Preheat your oven to 170℃ and line two baking trays with a piece of baking parchment.
  • Now, remove your dough out of the fridge on one sheet at a time and try to use a Bourbon cookie stamper to stamp the design into the heart of your dough, just like the real bourbon biscuits sold outside.
  • Bake for just ten minutes precisely and then remove them from the oven. Sprinkle some granulated sugar onto the piping hot biscuits-straight from the oven!
  • Leave the biscuits to cool on the tray for almost fifteen minutes, by putting them on a cooling cake rack.
  • Keep cutting and baking until forty biscuits are ready. Prepare the buttercream too.
  • Use a stand mixer or a wooden mixture, if you like to use old-fashioned stuff and beat the frosting sugar and butter together until they become light and fluffy in texture. Now, add the cocoa powder, raw cacao, vanilla and dark espresso and beat until they all blend and become super chocolatey.
  • Use a palette knife to spread on a dollop of the delicious buttercream to the bottom of one biscuit, then carefully sandwich them together and finally, make a standard small size of these homemade biscuits.
  • To preserve the crispiness, store them in an airtight container in the fridge for the buttercream to harden marginally. You can store them in a nice biscuit barrel at room temperature or keep them chilled for a longer use, depending upon your choice.
  • Brew a cup of hot coffee and enjoy a handsome serving of the lovely bourbon biscuits with it!



Do you like sweet potatoes and cookies? If you like them, let’s bundle them together into the heartiest sweet potato biscuits, all ready to be wolfed readily!



  • 25 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 3 Tbsp. of granulated sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. of baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 Tbsp. of canola oil
  • 2 Tbsp. of milk
  • One can of sweet potatoes, drained and mashed properly.



  • Preheat the oven up to 425°. Get a big mixing baking bowl and combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and a small pinch of salt and blend them really, really well.
  • Now, take a large mixing bowl and whisk together all the eggs, Kisan canola oil, milk and the mashed sweet potatoes. Take a big fork and stir together the moist and dry ingredients, until they all combine.
  • Dish them out onto a highly floured board and knead once or twice to form a ball. Roll out to make a biscuit of 1.3 cm of thickness.
  • Cut the biscuits using 1.5 inch cookie cutters of various shapes and sizes. Place the biscuits on the piece of parchment lined baking sheet.
  • Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until it is crispy golden on the top and baked thoroughly, ready to be served!



To store the biscuits, I always use some beautiful mason jars, vintage biscuit barrels that were traditionally used by my grandma during the days of her youth. They are extremely classic and no wonder, they impart the right balance of classiness and elegance while you, munch the biscuits limitlessly!

Enjoy these biscuits with a frothy mug of tea, coffee, chocolate or any heartwarming beverage that you mostly drink with the yummiest snacks

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