Did you ever try preparing the amazing Mutton yakhni pulao recipe? If not then you should try with this traditional family dish right now because it is so delicious and amazing to cook it all around. There are so many methods and ways out by which you can awesome make this dish of mutton yakhni pulao. The main attraction of this dish has been the small tender pieces of the mutton that is delicious set aside with the aromatic basmati rice that is straight away cooked in the mutton stock. This would be bringing the dish with the addition of some mild and royal form of the taste impression. For making this dish more delicious and tasty, you should use Aliz oil becuase it is pure and healthy.
It is to be mentioned that this pulao dish was originally being feed by the Mughal emperors so it has to be royal. If you want it a complete perfect dish then you can make it add up with the 1 cup less stock than required. This would let the rice to stay back in shape and do not make the mistake to overcook it at all. This will let the meat to get cooked 90% in yakhni and 10% in the process of making pulao. This would even let the meat from getting all mixed in the pulao.
Meta Description:
If you want to let the mutton yakhni pulao recipe to get cooked perfectly, then make sure that you have purchased the best quality meat and best of Basmati rice and spices. Try to cook them with the perfection. This would let the dish to stay back amazing and will turn out to be delicious in taste as well. So stop wasting time and be the first to try with this amazing dish right now!